Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 4....Still Growing...and Growing....and Growing.....

We have decided that the bunnies grow like the character of Alice in Alice in Wonderland when she drinks from the vial. :) The bunnies literally grow overnight. We went out of town for a couple of days for Thanksgiving, and when we returned, we couldn't believe our eyes! They have gotten bigger and furrier in just 2 days. They look like real bunnies now! They are eating and going potty more often as well....which means more mess! ha! Cleaning cages now isn't as easy or fast as it was a couple of weeks ago. The bunnies like to sit in the food bowl while feasting. They eat so much now!
It is more difficult to get a good picture of the rabbits now that they don't stand still and pose. They are constantly on the move and hopping about.

Even Rich has grown to love these sweet little bunnies. You can see how much they have grown based on Rich's hand size.