Saturday, November 5, 2011

Their Eyes Have Opened! Days 10-11

All six little kits' eyes began to open yesterday (Day 10) and are now fully open today on Day 11. The bunnies are way more active now and have begun to crawl out of the box and go find "momma" to nurse each night. THEY seek HER out now. She will tolerate all six nursing for a minute or two, and then she hops away from them to the other side of her cage causing the babies to fall and flip over and land every which way around the cage. I have to watch them closely so they don't get their little legs caught in between the grates in the cage floor. At least their bodies are now too big to fall through or to get stuck. They are so adorable when they nurse because they flip themselves over onto their backs and wiggle their little legs in the air just as happy as little clams to be filling their bellies.
Rich and I moved all six to a larger box tonight where they could have a little more wiggle room. The box still stays inside the big cage with Honeybunny. The kits still like to climb on each other and pile on top of each other even with the extra space. I think that keeps them feeling safe and warm. The bunnies (typical sibling rivalry) already fuss at each other making little squealing sounds as they push and kick each other to get snuggled into just the right position in the nesting box.

If they are already this active at only 2 1/2 weeks, it is going to get exciting around here very quickly!! Bunnies are going to be jumping everywhere very soon! Yikes!!