Thursday, October 27, 2011

24 Hours Later....Post #3

Honeybunny putting her fur in the nest
Honeybunny likes to rearrange the nest and her cage. She's a true Cook!



Last night, Rich and I were relieved to see Honeybunny nursing her babies at around 10:30 p.m. She was right on time! What a good momma! We read that rabbits only nurse their young 1-2 times a day, ususally only once every 24 hours. Their milk is so protein-rich that it sustains the tiny little tummies for a whole day.

It is pretty amazing the way God created rabbits. In the wild, the momma bunny would hide her babies in a hole in the dirt and cover it completely up. She would not return to nurse them until between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m. in the middle of the night/early morning when predators are least likely to find her babies nesting area. After learning about wild bunnies, we better understand why Honeybunny isn't very attentive to her young throughout the day. She occasionally rearranges their nest and sniffs at them, but she doesn't nurse them until around 10:30 each night. To nurse, she just stands over her bunnies. She only nurses for about 2-3 minutes. It was quick!

I wanted to be sure the babies were really eating, so I examined them last night, and sure enough...all 6 had fat little round tummies. They were full! Amazing and adorable!!!