Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Week 6 and Saying "Goodbye!"

Brown Sugar, 6 weeks old
The bunnies turned 6 weeks old today on December 6, 2011.

I decided to go ahead and call Cathy today (the lady who sold us Honeybunny) to make sure she would still take the bunnies back since we have had no buyers. :) Our original plan was to keep the bunnies for 8 weeks. Much to my surprise, however, Cathy said she was available to come by our house TODAY and pick up the bunnies. So, we agreed....and all the bunnies are back at the farm where their momma originally came from. All....but 1 bunny that is. We decided to keep Brown Sugar after finding out she is a female. She is the little doe that looks just like Honeybunny. Cathy says that Brown Sugar is definitely part Lionhead (another rabbit breed), which means she will be smaller than her English Angora mother. They will be able to share the cage together and should get along just fine.

They are so cute together! Honeybunny is more relaxed and unphased with having just one kit in her cage versus having all six. This afternoon, they were lying together facing each other with their wiggly noses touching. They eat and drink together, and Honeybunny even licked Brown Sugar's ears tonight and cleaned her up. We have not seen her lick her babies very often. She mainly tried to hop away from them. She didn't like it when they all rushed at her to nurse. :) They seem like perfect cage-mates. We are thrilled with how it all worked out. We have all loved Brown Sugar from the beginning. She was the calmest one who would spontaneously fall asleep in your hands. She has the sweetest face with a dark brown  nose.
So, we said "good-bye" to five kits today. They are all healthy and thriving and will have a good life on the farm. It was a fun and unexpected adventure getting to raise six kits. We will miss their cute wiggly noses and sporatic "popcorn" hopping about; however, it will be nice to not have such a big mess to clean up each day. Cage cleaning was becoming too big of a chore for Ruthie and me the last couple of weeks. :) Now, we get to continue our rabbit raising adventure with Honeybunny and Brown Sugar. What a joy they are!

Week 5

Gathered around the feeding bowl with Momma Bunny.....They LOVE to eat!!! In fact, they become frantic when they hear us come with the food bag. I guess they need lots of food since they are growing so fast.